Pericles… and what’s next?

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More news tomorrow…

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So, Pericles won over Cymbeline. What’s next? Well, there’s news to come tomorrow…

What’s Next…

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What’s next? Poll in the story…

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Sooooooo… head on over to my Instagram to have a say in what comes next in our table-read series!

A week off…

Because of the change of venue for Henry IV, Parts 1 & 2, we have this weekend off (the new venue has events this weekend).

I may have mentioned in the past that the Friday of the second week of a run is always a bit sketchy… it’s the first time the cast has performed the play without multiple consecutive days of rehearsal/run preceding it. It can be a little bumpy.

What’s it going to be like NEXT Friday when the rebellion resumes? Well, get your tickets now… you’re not going to want to miss this…

Crazy week alert

Henry IV opens Friday (technically Saturday, as Friday will be a special “preview” performance).

Then Saturday we have the Andronicus table-read.

Don’t expect too much from me, blog-wise this week, people…

Plays, plays, plays

OK, so many of you know I’ll be holding a table-read of my cutting (pun intended) of Titus Andronicus, for a primarily female cast (only Aaron will be a male performer). But in the back of my head, I’m creating a kind of bucket list of other plays I’d like to direct…

Continue reading “Plays, plays, plays”


So, yeah, it’s been a while since As You Like It, and I really think that I’ve been avoiding writing about the experience. Not that it was painful or bad, mind you, but just because I don’t know where to start.

And thus, I start by procrastinating. There’s always stuff to do. Like editing the video of the production. I recorded four performances with my iPad, and I’m in the process of editing it together.

I’m about halfway done. When it’s done, maybe I’ll share a bit.

You know, just to avoid writing about it.