The Periodic Table of Shakespeare [infographic]

You know me, always thinking about graphics. And I was thinking of how to best represent the totality of Shakespeare’s writing. What would be the best metaphor?

Then I got sidetracked clicking around one of my favorite websites, Mental Floss, and found this collection of what they called periodic table parodies.

And you know what happened then…

Continue reading “The Periodic Table of Shakespeare [infographic]”

Othello: by the numbers


[I know, we’ve already put a bow on this play…but think of this as a little parting gift (you know, a “Leap Day” present)!]

So here’s the numerical breakdown…

Continue reading “Othello: by the numbers”

Teachers Pay Teachers


Just a quick blast for today…

For those who haven’t heard of a great teaching resource (or a great resources for teaching resources), check out Teachers Pay Teachers, where teachers who have created great resources (handouts, lessons, units, worksheets, and the like), can upload and have other teachers download these resources to make their own teaching better.  (could I use “resources” more in a single sentence? I think not.) The creators can charge for their work (or they can offer it free).

Teachers Pay Teachers
Teachers Pay Teachers

And why am I telling you this?

Continue reading “Teachers Pay Teachers”

The Time and Geometry of Romeo and Juliet [UPDATE]

[updated 12/26/15]

Here’s a infographic discussing the temporal and numerical breakdown of Romeo and Juliet.  Part of workshops for the play from

Continue reading “The Time and Geometry of Romeo and Juliet [UPDATE]”

Julius Caesar: Character Map

Another month, another infographic…

Here’s a infographic with a character map for Julius Caesar.  Part of workshops for the play from

JPEG thumbnail of Character Map for Julius Caesar; infographic by the Bill / Shakespeare Project
JPEG thumbnail of Character Map for Julius Caesar; infographic by the Bill / Shakespeare Project

[updated 3/25/19]

[pdf available for download at Teachers Pay Teachers]

Romeo and Juliet: Character Map

Another month, another infographic…

Here’s a infographic with a character map for Romeo and Juliet.  Part of workshops for the play from

JPEG thumbnail of Character Map for Romeo and Juliet; infographic by the Bill / Shakespeare Project
JPEG thumbnail of Character Map for Romeo and Juliet; infographic by the Bill / Shakespeare Project

[updated 3/25/16]

[pdf available for download at Teachers Pay Teachers]

The Time and Geometry of Romeo and Juliet

Another month, another infographic… a blast to, er, from the past.

Here’s a infographic discussing the temporal and numerical breakdown of Romeo and Juliet.  Part of workshops for the play from

[updated 12/26/15]

The Time and Geography of Romeo and Juliet [infographic]
The Time and Geography of Romeo and Juliet [infographic]

[updated 3/25/16]

[pdf available for purchase at Teachers Pay Teachers]

Titus Andronicus: A History of Violence

After Good Tickle Brain‘s brilliant Mya Gosling released her Titus Andronicus death clock, it got me thinking what a Titus timeline might look like. While hers definitely conveys the over-the-top-to-the-point-of-nervous-laughter-ness of Titus Andronicus, I thought she had left off a few things.

I don’t have her artistic flair, but mine’s got more death (and rape)…

Titus Andronicus: A History of Violence (jpeg; thumbnail)

[download the pdf (507 kb)]

Today’s “This Week in Shakespeare” delayed… in the meantime, a little Bard in pop culture!

On vacation in Palm Desert with my wonderful wife Lisa… so today’s podcast is gonna be a little late… tonight sometime.

But since I never want to leave you completely empty-handed…

Here’s something cool sent to us by one of our audience members, Roslyn Willson. It’s a cool infographic concerning Shakespeare in pop culture, and is published over at

Continue reading “Today’s “This Week in Shakespeare” delayed… in the meantime, a little Bard in pop culture!”