What’s Next…

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Sooooooo… head on over to my Instagram to have a say in what comes next in our table-read series!

A week off…

Because of the change of venue for Henry IV, Parts 1 & 2, we have this weekend off (the new venue has events this weekend).

I may have mentioned in the past that the Friday of the second week of a run is always a bit sketchy… it’s the first time the cast has performed the play without multiple consecutive days of rehearsal/run preceding it. It can be a little bumpy.

What’s it going to be like NEXT Friday when the rebellion resumes? Well, get your tickets now… you’re not going to want to miss this…

Another opening, another show

Last weekend, we opened Henry IV, Parts 1 & 2.

Despite some off-stage drama (the loss of an actor at the last minute), the production turned out well (as can be seen in the Broadway World review).

Now comes the tough part: a two-week break until we perform again… two weeks to remember those lines, and–more importantly (physically)–that fight choreography.


So. Saturday. The Andronicus Read-Thru.

Honestly, I don’t know what the blank was I thinking scheduling this in the midst of Henry IV‘s opening weekend. But I did. And it happened.

Continue reading “Exhilarated…”

Crazy week alert

Henry IV opens Friday (technically Saturday, as Friday will be a special “preview” performance).

Then Saturday we have the Andronicus table-read.

Don’t expect too much from me, blog-wise this week, people…

A big-time announcement

OK, so many of you know I’m playing Sir Walter Blunt and the Archbishop of York in Archway Theatre Company’s upcoming production of Henry IV, Parts 1 & 2. What you probably do know know–hell, I didn’t even know it until Saturday–is that our venue has changed.

Read more

Andronicus: the power of discussion

As I’ve mentioned, I doled out the roles for the table-read of Andronicus, and I’ve begun to have discussions with some of the actors regarding character.

God, I love these talks.

Continue reading “Andronicus: the power of discussion”